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Version: 0.10

Custom Resources Spec

Sub Resources


Bundle contains the resources of an application and its deployment options. It will be deployed as a Helm chart to target clusters.

When a GitRepo is scanned it will produce one or more bundles. Bundles are a collection of resources that get deployed to one or more cluster(s). Bundle is the fundamental deployment unit used in Fleet. The contents of a Bundle may be Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize configuration, or Helm charts. Regardless of the source the contents are dynamically rendered into a Helm chart by the agent and installed into the downstream cluster as a Helm release.


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BundleDisplay contains the number of ready, desiredready clusters and a summary state for the bundle.

readyClustersReadyClusters is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of clusters that are ready vs. the number of clusters desired to be ready.stringfalse
stateState is a summary state for the bundle, calculated over the non-ready resources.stringfalse

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BundleList contains a list of Bundle


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nameName of the bundle.stringfalse
selectorSelector matching bundle's labels.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse

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BundleResource represents the content of a single resource from the bundle, like a YAML manifest.

nameName of the resource, can include the bundle's internal path.stringfalse
contentThe content of the resource, can be compressed.stringfalse
encodingEncoding is either empty or \"base64+gz\".stringfalse

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pausedPaused if set to true, will stop any BundleDeployments from being updated. It will be marked as out of sync.boolfalse
rolloutStrategyRolloutStrategy controls the rollout of bundles, by defining partitions, canaries and percentages for cluster availability.*RolloutStrategyfalse
resourcesResources contains the resources that were read from the bundle's path. This includes the content of downloaded helm charts.[]BundleResourcefalse
targetsTargets refer to the clusters which will be deployed to. Targets are evaluated in order and the first one to match is used.[]BundleTargetfalse
targetRestrictionsTargetRestrictions is an allow list, which controls if a bundledeployment is created for a target.[]BundleTargetRestrictionfalse
dependsOnDependsOn refers to the bundles which must be ready before this bundle can be deployed.[]BundleReffalse

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conditionsConditions is a list of Wrangler conditions that describe the state of the bundle.[]genericcondition.GenericConditionfalse
summarySummary contains the number of bundle deployments in each state and a list of non-ready resources.BundleSummaryfalse
newlyCreatedNewlyCreated is the number of bundle deployments that have been created, not updated.intfalse
unavailableUnavailable is the number of bundle deployments that are not ready or where the AppliedDeploymentID in the status does not match the DeploymentID from the spec.inttrue
unavailablePartitionsUnavailablePartitions is the number of unavailable partitions.inttrue
maxUnavailableMaxUnavailable is the maximum number of unavailable deployments. See rollout configuration.inttrue
maxUnavailablePartitionsMaxUnavailablePartitions is the maximum number of unavailable partitions. The rollout configuration defines a maximum number or percentage of unavailable partitions.inttrue
maxNewMaxNew is always 50. A bundle change can only stage 50 bundledeployments at a time.intfalse
partitionsPartitionStatus lists the status of each partition.[]PartitionStatusfalse
displayDisplay contains the number of ready, desiredready clusters and a summary state for the bundle's resources.BundleDisplayfalse
resourceKeyResourceKey lists resources, which will likely be deployed. The actual list of resources on a cluster might differ, depending on the helm chart, value templating, etc..[]ResourceKeyfalse
observedGenerationObservedGeneration is the current generation of the bundle.int64true
resourcesSha256SumResourcesSHA256Sum corresponds to the JSON serialization of the .Spec.Resources fieldstringfalse

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BundleSummary contains the number of bundle deployments in each state and a list of non-ready resources. It is used in the bundle, clustergroup, cluster and gitrepo status.

notReadyNotReady is the number of bundle deployments that have been deployed where some resources are not ready.intfalse
waitAppliedWaitApplied is the number of bundle deployments that have been synced from Fleet controller and downstream cluster, but are waiting to be deployed.intfalse
errAppliedErrApplied is the number of bundle deployments that have been synced from the Fleet controller and the downstream cluster, but with some errors when deploying the bundle.intfalse
outOfSyncOutOfSync is the number of bundle deployments that have been synced from Fleet controller, but not yet by the downstream agent.intfalse
modifiedModified is the number of bundle deployments that have been deployed and for which all resources are ready, but where some changes from the Git repository have not yet been synced.intfalse
readyReady is the number of bundle deployments that have been deployed where all resources are ready.inttrue
pendingPending is the number of bundle deployments that are being processed by Fleet controller.intfalse
desiredReadyDesiredReady is the number of bundle deployments that should be ready.inttrue
nonReadyResourcesNonReadyClusters is a list of states, which is filled for a bundle that is not ready.[]NonReadyResourcefalse

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BundleTarget declares clusters to deploy to. Fleet will merge the BundleDeploymentOptions from customizations into this struct.

nameName of target. This value is largely for display and logging. If not specified a default name of the format \"target000\" will be usedstringfalse
clusterNameClusterName to match a specific cluster by name that will be selectedstringfalse
clusterSelectorClusterSelector is a selector to match clusters. The structure is the standard metav1.LabelSelector format. If clusterGroupSelector or clusterGroup is specified, clusterSelector will be used only to further refine the selection after clusterGroupSelector and clusterGroup is evaluated.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse
clusterGroupClusterGroup to match a specific cluster group by name.stringfalse
clusterGroupSelectorClusterGroupSelector is a selector to match cluster groups.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse
doNotDeployDoNotDeploy if set to true, will not deploy to this target.boolfalse

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BundleTargetRestriction is used internally by Fleet and should not be modified. It acts as an allow list, to prevent the creation of BundleDeployments from Targets created by TargetCustomizations in fleet.yaml.


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NonReadyResource contains information about a bundle that is not ready for a given state like \"ErrApplied\". It contains a list of non-ready or modified resources and their states.

nameName is the name of the resource.stringfalse
bundleStateState is the state of the resource, like e.g. \"NotReady\" or \"ErrApplied\".BundleStatefalse
messageMessage contains information why the bundle is not ready.stringfalse
modifiedStatusModifiedStatus lists the state for each modified resource.[]ModifiedStatusfalse
nonReadyStatusNonReadyStatus lists the state for each non-ready resource.[]NonReadyStatusfalse

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Partition defines a separate rollout strategy for a set of clusters.

nameA user-friendly name given to the partition used for Display (optional).stringfalse
maxUnavailableA number or percentage of clusters that can be unavailable in this partition before this partition is treated as done. default: 10%*intstr.IntOrStringfalse
clusterNameClusterName is the name of a cluster to include in this partitionstringfalse
clusterSelectorSelector matching cluster labels to include in this partition*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse
clusterGroupA cluster group name to include in this partitionstringfalse
clusterGroupSelectorSelector matching cluster group labels to include in this partition*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse

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PartitionStatus is the status of a single rollout partition.

nameName is the name of the partition.stringfalse
countCount is the number of clusters in the partition.intfalse
maxUnavailableMaxUnavailable is the maximum number of unavailable clusters in the partition.intfalse
unavailableUnavailable is the number of unavailable clusters in the partition.intfalse
summarySummary is a summary state for the partition, calculated over its non-ready resources.BundleSummaryfalse

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ResourceKey lists resources, which will likely be deployed.

kindKind is the k8s api kind of the resource.stringfalse
apiVersionAPIVersion is the k8s api version of the resource.stringfalse
namespaceNamespace is the namespace of the resource.stringfalse
nameName is the name of the resource.stringfalse

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RolloverStrategy controls the rollout of the bundle across clusters.

maxUnavailableA number or percentage of clusters that can be unavailable during an update of a bundle. This follows the same basic approach as a deployment rollout strategy. Once the number of clusters meets unavailable state update will be paused. Default value is 100% which doesn't take effect on update. default: 100%*intstr.IntOrStringfalse
maxUnavailablePartitionsA number or percentage of cluster partitions that can be unavailable during an update of a bundle. default: 0*intstr.IntOrStringfalse
autoPartitionSizeA number or percentage of how to automatically partition clusters if no specific partitioning strategy is configured. default: 25%*intstr.IntOrStringfalse
partitionsA list of definitions of partitions. If any target clusters do not match the configuration they are added to partitions at the end following the autoPartitionSize.[]Partitionfalse

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BundleDeployment is used internally by Fleet and should not be used directly. When a Bundle is deployed to a cluster an instance of a Bundle is called a BundleDeployment. A BundleDeployment represents the state of that Bundle on a specific cluster with its cluster-specific customizations. The Fleet agent is only aware of BundleDeployment resources that are created for the cluster the agent is managing.


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BundleDeploymentList contains a list of BundleDeployment


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defaultNamespaceDefaultNamespace is the namespace to use for resources that do not specify a namespace. This field is not used to enforce or lock down the deployment to a specific namespace.stringfalse
namespaceTargetNamespace if present will assign all resource to this namespace and if any cluster scoped resource exists the deployment will fail.stringfalse
kustomizeKustomize options for the deployment, like the dir containing the kustomization.yaml file.*KustomizeOptionsfalse
helmHelm options for the deployment, like the chart name, repo and values.*HelmOptionsfalse
serviceAccountServiceAccount which will be used to perform this deployment.stringfalse
forceSyncGenerationForceSyncGeneration is used to force a redeploymentint64false
yamlYAML options, if using raw YAML these are names that map to overlays/{name} files that will be used to replace or patch a resource.*YAMLOptionsfalse
diffDiff can be used to ignore the modified state of objects which are amended at runtime.*DiffOptionsfalse
keepResourcesKeepResources can be used to keep the deployed resources when removing the bundleboolfalse
ignoreIgnoreOptions can be used to ignore fields when monitoring the bundle.IgnoreOptionsfalse
correctDriftCorrectDrift specifies how drift correction should work.*CorrectDriftfalse
namespaceLabelsNamespaceLabels are labels that will be appended to the namespace created by Fleet.*map[string]stringfalse
namespaceAnnotationsNamespaceAnnotations are annotations that will be appended to the namespace created by Fleet.*map[string]stringfalse
deleteCRDResourcesDeleteCRDResources deletes CRDs. Warning! this will also delete all your Custom Resources.boolfalse

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BundleDeploymentResource contains the metadata of a deployed resource.


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pausedPaused if set to true, will stop any BundleDeployments from being updated. If true, BundleDeployments will be marked as out of sync when changes are detected.boolfalse
stagedOptionsStagedOptions are the deployment options, that are staged for the next deployment.BundleDeploymentOptionsfalse
stagedDeploymentIDStagedDeploymentID is the ID of the staged deployment.stringfalse
optionsOptions are the deployment options, that are currently applied.BundleDeploymentOptionsfalse
deploymentIDDeploymentID is the ID of the currently applied deployment.stringfalse
dependsOnDependsOn refers to the bundles which must be ready before this bundle can be deployed.[]BundleReffalse
correctDriftCorrectDrift specifies how drift correction should work.*CorrectDriftfalse

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resourcesResources lists the metadata of resources that were deployed according to the helm release history.[]BundleDeploymentResourcefalse

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ComparePatch matches a resource and removes fields from the check for modifications.

kindKind is the kind of the resource to match.stringfalse
apiVersionAPIVersion is the apiVersion of the resource to match.stringfalse
namespaceNamespace is the namespace of the resource to match.stringfalse
nameName is the name of the resource to match.stringfalse
operationsOperations remove a JSON path from the resource.[]Operationfalse
jsonPointersJSONPointers ignore diffs at a certain JSON path.[]stringfalse

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comparePatchesComparePatches match a resource and remove fields from the check for modifications.[]ComparePatchfalse

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HelmOptions for the deployment. For Helm-based bundles, all options can be used, otherwise some options are ignored. For example ReleaseName works with all bundle types.

chartChart can refer to any go-getter URL or OCI registry based helm chart URL. The chart will be downloaded.stringfalse
repoRepo is the name of the HTTPS helm repo to download the chart from.stringfalse
releaseNameReleaseName sets a custom release name to deploy the chart as. If not specified a release name will be generated by combining the invoking + GitRepo.path.stringfalse
versionVersion of the chart to downloadstringfalse
timeoutSecondsTimeoutSeconds is the time to wait for Helm operations.intfalse
valuesValues passed to Helm. It is possible to specify the keys and values as go template strings.*GenericMapfalse
valuesFromValuesFrom loads the values from configmaps and secrets.[]ValuesFromfalse
forceForce allows to override immutable resources. This could be dangerous.boolfalse
takeOwnershipTakeOwnership makes helm skip the check for its own annotationsboolfalse
maxHistoryMaxHistory limits the maximum number of revisions saved per release by Helm.intfalse
valuesFilesValuesFiles is a list of files to load values from.[]stringfalse
waitForJobsWaitForJobs if set and timeoutSeconds provided, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the GitRepo as ready. It will wait for as long as timeoutSecondsboolfalse
atomicAtomic sets the --atomic flag when Helm is performing an upgradeboolfalse
disablePreProcessDisablePreProcess disables template processing in valuesboolfalse
disableDNSDisableDNS can be used to customize Helm's EnableDNS option, which Fleet sets to true by default.boolfalse
skipSchemaValidationSkipSchemaValidation allows skipping schema validation against the chart valuesboolfalse

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IgnoreOptions defines conditions to be ignored when monitoring the Bundle.

conditionsConditions is a list of conditions to be ignored when monitoring the Bundle.[]map[string]stringfalse

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KustomizeOptions for a deployment.

dirDir points to a custom folder for kustomize resources. This folder must contain a kustomization.yaml file.stringfalse

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nameName of a resource in the same namespace as the referent.stringtrue

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ModifiedStatus is used to report the status of a resource that is modified. It indicates if the modification was a create, a delete or a patch.


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NonReadyStatus is used to report the status of a resource that is not ready. It includes a summary.


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Operation of a ComparePatch, usually \"remove\".

opOp is usually \"remove\"stringfalse
pathPath is the JSON path to remove.stringfalse
valueValue is usually empty.stringfalse

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Define helm values that can come from configmap, secret or external. Credit:

configMapKeyRefThe reference to a config map with release values.*ConfigMapKeySelectorfalse
secretKeyRefThe reference to a secret with release values.*SecretKeySelectorfalse

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YAMLOptions, if using raw YAML these are names that map to overlays/{name} files that will be used to replace or patch a resource.

overlaysOverlays is a list of names that maps to folders in \"overlays/\". If you wish to customize the file ./subdir/resource.yaml then a file ./overlays/myoverlay/subdir/resource.yaml will replace the base file. A file named ./overlays/myoverlay/subdir/resource_patch.yaml will patch the base file.[]stringfalse

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BundleNamespaceMapping maps bundles to clusters in other namespaces.


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BundleNamespaceMappingList contains a list of BundleNamespaceMapping


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lastSeenLastSeen is the last time the agent checked in to update the status of the cluster resource.metav1.Timetrue
namespaceNamespace is the namespace of the agent deployment, e.g. \"cattle-fleet-system\".stringtrue
nonReadyNodesNonReadyNodes is the number of nodes that are not ready.inttrue
readyNodesReadyNodes is the number of nodes that are ready.inttrue
nonReadyNodeNamesNonReadyNode contains the names of non-ready nodes. The list is limited to at most 3 names.[]stringtrue
readyNodeNamesReadyNodes contains the names of ready nodes. The list is limited to at most 3 names.[]stringtrue

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Cluster corresponds to a Kubernetes cluster. Fleet deploys bundles to targeted clusters. Clusters to which Fleet deploys manifests are referred to as downstream clusters. In the single cluster use case, the Fleet manager Kubernetes cluster is both the manager and downstream cluster at the same time.


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readyBundlesReadyBundles is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of bundles that are ready vs. the number of bundles desired to be ready.stringfalse
readyNodesReadyNodes is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of nodes that are ready vs. the number of expected nodes.stringfalse
sampleNodeSampleNode is the name of one of the nodes that are ready. If no node is ready, it's the name of a node that is not ready.stringfalse
stateState of the cluster, either one of the bundle states, or \"WaitCheckIn\".stringfalse

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ClusterList contains a list of Cluster


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pausedPaused if set to true, will stop any BundleDeployments from being updated.boolfalse
clientIDClientID is a unique string that will identify the cluster. It can either be predefined, or generated when importing the cluster.stringfalse
kubeConfigSecretKubeConfigSecret is the name of the secret containing the kubeconfig for the downstream cluster. It can optionally contain a APIServerURL and CA to override the values in the fleet-controller's configmap.stringfalse
kubeConfigSecretNamespaceKubeConfigSecretNamespace is the namespace of the secret containing the kubeconfig for the downstream cluster. If unset, it will be assumed the secret can be found in the namespace that the Cluster object resides within.stringfalse
redeployAgentGenerationRedeployAgentGeneration can be used to force redeploying the agent.int64false
agentEnvVarsAgentEnvVars are extra environment variables to be added to the agent deployment.[]corev1.EnvVarfalse
agentNamespaceAgentNamespace defaults to the system namespace, e.g. cattle-fleet-system.stringfalse
privateRepoURLPrivateRepoURL prefixes the image name and overrides a global repo URL from the agents config.stringfalse
templateValuesTemplateValues defines a cluster specific mapping of values to be sent to fleet.yaml values templating.*GenericMapfalse
agentTolerationsAgentTolerations defines an extra set of Tolerations to be added to the Agent deployment.[]corev1.Tolerationfalse
agentAffinityAgentAffinity overrides the default affinity for the cluster's agent deployment. If this value is nil the default affinity is used.*corev1.Affinityfalse
agentResourcesAgentResources sets the resources for the cluster's agent deployment.*corev1.ResourceRequirementsfalse

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namespaceNamespace is the cluster namespace, it contains the clusters service account as well as any bundledeployments. Example: \"cluster-fleet-local-cluster-294db1acfa77-d9ccf852678f\"stringfalse
summarySummary is a summary of the bundledeployments. The resource counts are copied from the gitrepo resource.BundleSummaryfalse
resourceCountsResourceCounts is an aggregate over the GitRepoResourceCounts.GitRepoResourceCountsfalse
readyGitReposReadyGitRepos is the number of gitrepos for this cluster that are ready.inttrue
desiredReadyGitReposDesiredReadyGitRepos is the number of gitrepos for this cluster that are desired to be ready.inttrue
agentEnvVarsHashAgentEnvVarsHash is a hash of the agent's env vars, used to detect changes.stringfalse
agentPrivateRepoURLAgentPrivateRepoURL is the private repo URL for the agent that is currently used.stringfalse
agentDeployedGenerationAgentDeployedGeneration is the generation of the agent that is currently deployed.*int64false
agentMigratedAgentMigrated is always set to true after importing a cluster. If false, it will trigger a migration. Old agents don't have this in their status.boolfalse
agentNamespaceMigratedAgentNamespaceMigrated is always set to true after importing a cluster. If false, it will trigger a migration. Old Fleet agents don't have this in their status.boolfalse
cattleNamespaceMigratedCattleNamespaceMigrated is always set to true after importing a cluster. If false, it will trigger a migration. Old Fleet agents, don't have this in their status.boolfalse
agentAffinityHashAgentAffinityHash is a hash of the agent's affinity configuration, used to detect changes.stringfalse
agentResourcesHashAgentResourcesHash is a hash of the agent's resources configuration, used to detect changes.stringfalse
agentTolerationsHashAgentTolerationsHash is a hash of the agent's tolerations configuration, used to detect changes.stringfalse
agentConfigChangedAgentConfigChanged is set to true if any of the agent configuration changed, like the API server URL or CA. Setting it to true will trigger a re-import of the cluster.boolfalse
apiServerURLAPIServerURL is the currently used URL of the API server that the cluster uses to connect to upstream.stringfalse
apiServerCAHashAPIServerCAHash is a hash of the upstream API server CA, used to detect changes.stringfalse
displayDisplay contains the number of ready bundles, nodes and a summary state.ClusterDisplayfalse
agentAgentStatus contains information about the agent.AgentStatusfalse

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ClusterGroup is a re-usable selector to target a group of clusters.


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readyClustersReadyClusters is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of clusters that are ready vs. the number of clusters desired to be ready.stringfalse
readyBundlesReadyBundles is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of bundles that are ready vs. the number of bundles desired to be ready.stringfalse
stateState is a summary state for the cluster group, showing \"NotReady\" if there are non-ready resources.stringfalse

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ClusterGroupList contains a list of ClusterGroup


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selectorSelector is a label selector, used to select clusters for this group.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse

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clusterCountClusterCount is the number of clusters in the cluster group.inttrue
nonReadyClusterCountNonReadyClusterCount is the number of clusters that are not ready.inttrue
nonReadyClustersNonReadyClusters is a list of cluster names that are not ready.[]stringfalse
conditionsConditions is a list of conditions and their statuses for the cluster group.[]genericcondition.GenericConditionfalse
summarySummary is a summary of the bundle deployments and their resources in the cluster group.BundleSummaryfalse
displayDisplay contains the number of ready, desiredready clusters and a summary state for the bundle's resources.ClusterGroupDisplayfalse
resourceCountsResourceCounts contains the number of resources in each state over all bundles in the cluster group.GitRepoResourceCountsfalse

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ClusterRegistration is used internally by Fleet and should not be used directly.


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ClusterRegistrationList contains a list of ClusterRegistration


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clientIDClientID is a unique string that will identify the cluster. The agent either uses the configured ID or the kubeSystem.UID.stringfalse
clientRandomClientRandom is a random string that the agent generates. When fleet-controller grants a registration, it creates a registration secret with this string in the name.stringfalse
clusterLabelsClusterLabels are copied to the cluster resource during the[string]stringfalse

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clusterNameClusterName is only set after the registration is being processed by fleet-controller.stringfalse
grantedGranted is set to true, if the request service account is present and its token secret exists. This happens directly before creating the registration secret, roles and rolebindings.boolfalse

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ClusterRegistrationToken is used by agents to register a new cluster.


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ClusterRegistrationTokenList contains a list of ClusterRegistrationToken


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ttlTTL is the time to live for the token. It is used to calculate the expiration time. If the token expires, it will be deleted.*metav1.Durationfalse

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expiresExpires is the time when the token expires.*metav1.Timefalse
secretNameSecretName is the name of the secret containing the token.stringfalse

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Content is used internally by Fleet and should not be used directly. It contains the resources from a bundle for a specific target cluster.

contentContent is a byte array, which contains the manifests of a bundle. The bundle resources are copied into the bundledeployment's content resource, so the downstream agent can deploy them.[]bytefalse
sha256sumSHA256Sum of the Content fieldstringfalse

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ContentList contains a list of Content


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CommitSpec specifies how to commit changes to the git repository

authorNameAuthorName gives the name to provide when making a commitstringtrue
authorEmailAuthorEmail gives the email to provide when making a commitstringtrue
messageTemplateMessageTemplate provides a template for the commit message, into which will be interpolated the details of the change made.stringfalse

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enabledEnabled correct drift if true.boolfalse
forceForce helm rollback with --force option will be used if true. This will try to recreate all resources in the release.boolfalse
keepFailHistoryKeepFailHistory keeps track of failed rollbacks in the helm history.boolfalse

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GitRepo describes a git repository that is watched by Fleet. The resource contains the necessary information to deploy the repo, or parts of it, to target clusters.


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readyBundleDeploymentsReadyBundleDeployments is a string in the form \"%d/%d\", that describes the number of ready bundledeployments over the total number of bundledeployments.stringfalse
stateState is the state of the GitRepo, e.g. \"GitUpdating\" or the maximal BundleState according to StateRank.stringfalse
messageMessage contains the relevant message from the deployment conditions.stringfalse
errorError is true if a message is present.boolfalse

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GitRepoList contains a list of GitRepo


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GitRepoResource contains metadata about the resources of a bundle.

apiVersionAPIVersion is the API version of the resource.stringfalse
kindKind is the k8s kind of the resource.stringfalse
typeType is the type of the resource, e.g. \"\" or \"configmap\".stringfalse
idID is the name of the resource, e.g. \"namespace1/my-config\" or \"\".stringfalse
namespaceNamespace of the resource.stringfalse
nameName of the resource.stringfalse
incompleteStateIncompleteState is true if a bundle summary has 10 or more non-ready resources or a non-ready resource has more 10 or more non-ready or modified states.boolfalse
stateState is the state of the resource, e.g. \"Unknown\", \"WaitApplied\", \"ErrApplied\" or \"Ready\".stringfalse
errorError is true if any Error in the PerClusterState is true.boolfalse
transitioningTransitioning is true if any Transitioning in the PerClusterState is true.boolfalse
messageMessage is the first message from the PerClusterStates.stringfalse
perClusterStatePerClusterState is a list of states for each cluster. Derived from the summaries non-ready resources.[]ResourcePerClusterStatefalse

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GitRepoResourceCounts contains the number of resources in each state.

readyReady is the number of ready resources.inttrue
desiredReadyDesiredReady is the number of resources that should be ready.inttrue
waitAppliedWaitApplied is the number of resources that are waiting to be applied.inttrue
modifiedModified is the number of resources that have been modified.inttrue
orphanedOrphaned is the number of orphaned resources.inttrue
missingMissing is the number of missing resources.inttrue
unknownUnknown is the number of resources in an unknown state.inttrue
notReadyNotReady is the number of not ready resources. Resources are not ready if they do not match any other state.inttrue

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repoRepo is a URL to a git repo to clone and index.stringfalse
branchBranch The git branch to follow.stringfalse
revisionRevision A specific commit or tag to operate on.stringfalse
targetNamespaceEnsure that all resources are created in this namespace Any cluster scoped resource will be rejected if this is set Additionally this namespace will be created on demand.stringfalse
clientSecretNameClientSecretName is the name of the client secret to be used to connect to the repo It is expected the secret be of type \"\" or \"\".stringfalse
helmSecretNameHelmSecretName contains the auth secret for a private Helm repository.stringfalse
helmSecretNameForPathsHelmSecretNameForPaths contains the auth secret for private Helm repository for each path.stringfalse
helmRepoURLRegexHelmRepoURLRegex Helm credentials will be used if the helm repo matches this regex Credentials will always be used if this is empty or not provided.stringfalse
caBundleCABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the repo's certificate.[]bytefalse
insecureSkipTLSVerifyInsecureSkipTLSverify will use insecure HTTPS to clone the repo.boolfalse
pathsPaths is the directories relative to the git repo root that contain resources to be applied. Path globbing is supported, for example [\"charts/*\"] will match all folders as a subdirectory of charts/ If empty, \"/\" is the default.[]stringfalse
pausedPaused, when true, causes changes in Git not to be propagated down to the clusters but instead to mark resources as OutOfSync.boolfalse
serviceAccountServiceAccount used in the downstream cluster for deployment.stringfalse
targetsTargets is a list of targets this repo will deploy to.[]GitTargetfalse
pollingIntervalPollingInterval is how often to check git for new updates.*metav1.Durationfalse
forceSyncGenerationIncrement this number to force a redeployment of contents from Git.int64false
imageScanIntervalImageScanInterval is the interval of syncing scanned images and writing back to git repo.*metav1.Durationfalse
imageScanCommitCommit specifies how to commit to the git repo when a new image is scanned and written back to git repo.CommitSpecfalse
keepResourcesKeepResources specifies if the resources created must be kept after deleting the GitRepo.boolfalse
correctDriftCorrectDrift specifies how drift correction should work.*CorrectDriftfalse

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observedGenerationObservedGeneration is the current generation of the resource in the cluster. It is copied from k8s metadata.Generation. The value is incremented for all changes, except for changes to .metadata or .status.int64true
commitCommit is the Git commit hash from the last gitjob run.stringfalse
readyClustersReadyClusters is the lowest number of clusters that are ready over all the bundles of this GitRepo.inttrue
desiredReadyClustersDesiredReadyClusters\tis the number of clusters that should be ready for bundles of this GitRepo.inttrue
gitJobStatusGitJobStatus is the status of the last GitJob run, e.g. \"Current\" if there was no error.stringfalse
summarySummary contains the number of bundle deployments in each state and a list of non-ready resources.BundleSummaryfalse
displayDisplay contains a human readable summary of the status.GitRepoDisplayfalse
conditionsConditions is a list of Wrangler conditions that describe the state of the GitRepo.[]genericcondition.GenericConditionfalse
resourcesResources contains metadata about the resources of each bundle.[]GitRepoResourcefalse
resourceCountsResourceCounts contains the number of resources in each state over all bundles.GitRepoResourceCountsfalse
resourceErrorsResourceErrors is a sorted list of errors from the resources.[]stringfalse
lastSyncedImageScanTimeLastSyncedImageScanTime is the time of the last image scan.metav1.Timefalse

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GitTarget is a cluster or cluster group to deploy to.

nameName is the name of this target.stringfalse
clusterNameClusterName is the name of a cluster.stringfalse
clusterSelectorClusterSelector is a label selector to select clusters.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse
clusterGroupClusterGroup is the name of a cluster group in the same namespace as the clusters.stringfalse
clusterGroupSelectorClusterGroupSelector is a label selector to select cluster groups.*metav1.LabelSelectorfalse

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ResourcePerClusterState is generated for each non-ready resource of the bundles.

stateState is the state of the resource.stringfalse
errorError is true if the resource is in an error state, copied from the bundle's summary for non-ready resources.boolfalse
transitioningTransitioning is true if the resource is in a transitioning state, copied from the bundle's summary for non-ready resources.boolfalse
messageMessage combines the messages from the bundle's summary. Messages are joined with the delimiter ';'.stringfalse
patchPatch for modified resources.*GenericMapfalse
clusterIdClusterID is the id of the cluster.stringfalse

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GitRepoRestriction is a resource that can optionally be used to restrict the options of GitRepos in the same namespace.

defaultServiceAccountDefaultServiceAccount overrides the GitRepo's default service account.stringfalse
allowedServiceAccountsAllowedServiceAccounts is a list of service accounts that GitRepos are allowed to use.[]stringfalse
allowedRepoPatternsAllowedRepoPatterns is a list of regex patterns that restrict the valid values of the Repo field of a GitRepo.[]stringfalse
defaultClientSecretNameDefaultClientSecretName overrides the GitRepo's default client secret.stringfalse
allowedClientSecretNamesAllowedClientSecretNames is a list of client secret names that GitRepos are allowed to use.[]stringfalse
allowedTargetNamespacesAllowedTargetNamespaces restricts TargetNamespace to the given namespaces. If AllowedTargetNamespaces is set, TargetNamespace must be set.[]stringfalse

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GitRepoRestrictionList contains a list of GitRepoRestriction


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AlphabeticalPolicy specifies a alphabetical ordering policy.

orderOrder specifies the sorting order of the tags. Given the letters of the alphabet as tags, ascending order would select Z, and descending order would select A.stringfalse

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ImagePolicyChoice is a union of all the types of policy that can be supplied.

semverSemVer gives a semantic version range to check against the tags available.*SemVerPolicyfalse
alphabeticalAlphabetical set of rules to use for alphabetical ordering of the tags.*AlphabeticalPolicyfalse

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ImageScanList contains a list of ImageScan


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API is taken from

tagNameTagName is the tag ref that needs to be put in manifest to replace fieldsstringfalse
gitrepoNameGitRepo reference namestringfalse
imageImage is the name of the image repositorystringfalse
intervalInterval is the length of time to wait between scans of the image repository.metav1.Durationfalse
secretRefSecretRef can be given the name of a secret containing credentials to use for the image registry. The secret should be created with kubectl create secret docker-registry, or the equivalent.*corev1.LocalObjectReferencefalse
suspendThis flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent image scans. It does not apply to already started scans. Defaults to false.boolfalse
policyPolicy gives the particulars of the policy to be followed in selecting the most recent imageImagePolicyChoicetrue

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lastScanTimeLastScanTime is the last time image was scannedmetav1.Timefalse
latestImageLatestImage gives the first in the list of images scanned by the image repository, when filtered and ordered according to the policy.stringfalse
latestTagLatest tag is the latest tag filtered by the policystringfalse
latestDigestLatestDigest is the digest of latest tagstringfalse
canonicalImageNameCanonicalName is the name of the image repository with all the implied bits made explicit; e.g., rather than alpine.stringfalse

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SemVerPolicy specifies a semantic version policy.

rangeRange gives a semver range for the image tag; the highest version within the range that's a tag yields the latest image.stringtrue

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